Sunday, August 22, 2021

Power is not abuse

I find it ironic how God works in themes. I try working something out. Then all of sudden things happen right along that very subject. Yes, a little bit of it comes from my own perception (or lack thereof). Still, other events independent of me coincide just perfectly. It's not so much God manipulating events around me. It's Him leading me in preparation of upcoming events.

Either way, I'm writing today about obedience - specifically, obedience between husbands and wives. 

We had a men's gathering for church yesterday morning. The topic was our relationship with women in the church as sisters. As one point in that whole lesson, the speaker touched on marriage - husbands and wives. I like his take that marriage is an anamoly. It is one woman with whom our relationship is different. And, of course, this touched on the subject of authority in marriage.

Full disclosure, I was a little disappointed. It seemed to follow the theme of our day - men exercising power are abusive. I understand why the speaker has this point of view as he has heard and lived these stories. It strikes me as incomplete. My experience with an abusive wife is much different. So I struggle with where does a balanced view lie.

Men, in their abuse, tend toward a more aggresive posture. Aggression is easily seen and related with. It pulls on the heart strings. We suddenly forget about questions of right and wrong. Someone is hurt. We need to save them. We have replaced right and wrong with feeling good. We have been manipulated, moved from focussing on Jesus into focussing on our pain (aka sympathy).

My point is, right and wrong come from God. Our relationship with Him, through His Son, Jesus, is the only real definition for right/wrong. If God says this woman is abused, help her, you should. If God says deal with her sin first, then you should do that. But first and foremost, you need to talk with God. What you see is incomplete. A picture painted by the people directly involved. And that picture has parts of them in it. God has the whole picture.

Getting back to the topic at hand... God gave wives (not women, wives) the responsibility to submit to their husbands. I think of it in terms of a business. Someone yesterday made the point that in Biblical times, the family was the economic unit. All businesses were inherently family businesses. In that vein, in our business, I submit to my boss. I run new ideas by her. I give her the authority to make decisions. She knows more about the current state and direction of the business than I do.

In turn, my boss and I have worked together for many years now. She trusts my recommendations. Listens to my opinions. And even sometimes lets me make decisions. I trust that she wants to keep the business open and paychecks flowing, serve our clients, and help everyone on our team grow. We built a relationship. And that's the key - obedience is about building the relationship. Obedience is not the goal. Obedience is the first step. And as the relationship matures, the nature of obedience changes.

We are all sinners - men and women alike. Men can abuse their wives submission. Wives can abuse their husbands authority/responsibility. Someone married for 30 years will and should have a very different relationship than when they got married. 

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