Sunday, October 18, 2020


 To my daughter...

You know how important you are to me. I'm writing this so you can read it on your own terms - as opposed to another dad lecture. We both know that you're a fine young adult. Old habits die hard.

You seem to be searching for something, moving from job to job. I would like to suggest that what you're looking for will only be found in Christ. Every step of the way, He has provided for you. Each of these jobs that seem to come out of nowhere are examples of His hand moving. The dissatisfaction you feel inside comes from a conflict between what He wants and what your own desire for control. And I say this from experience - long, hard experience.

We live under the illusion that our lives are full of choices. What do I wear today, do I call in sick, what to eat. I propose that we use these "decisions" as a distraction from the real choice we face every second of every day - do I live in hope or in fear

You dressed very nicely last night for taking pictures - hope. When I feel down, I dress in sweats and dumpy t-shirts. I eat better when there's hope. Comfort food is usually not the healthiest. See how the simple choice between hope and fear shapes all the other things?

That's why the Bible focusses so much on the hope we find in Christ. It says perfect love drives out fear. Hope is the mechanism. Faith in the love of Christ gives hope for the future (1 Corinthians 13:13).

The way we do that is by building a relationship with Jesus. I just finished reading the book The Four Loves, by C.S. Lewis. Lewis describes four different types of love. What struck me most was that each type never exists independently. They all build on each other. The more intimate forms are always built on top of the other forms. All close relationships begin with the generic love of affection.

I point that out to say, just start. How doesn't matter. Read the book I gave you. Read the Bible. Yell about all the terrible things going wrong. Cry and be afraid. Write morning pages. Go to church. It doesn't matter. Pick one. Make one up. Just start. There is no wrong way. And there is no right way. Christ doesn't wait for us to reach Him. He meets us where we are. So be there, and let Him be there with you. (Revelations 3:20)

God has a plan for you. You are important to Him, much more than you are important to me. He has spent a considerable amount of time and energy making sure that whatever happens, it doesn't kill you. Waiting patiently for you to allow Him to have a relationship with you.

Let me end by saying how proud I am of you. You have shown an immense amount of maturity. Doing whatever it takes to fulfill your responsibilities. And taking responsibility for your own life. God has the plan and the power for you to accomplish amazing things. Find that strength. There will be no stopping you.

Love, Dad.

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