Friday, October 9, 2020

Addiction as a Spiritual Problem

 I'm in a literal mood today. That's the premise of this conversation - addiction is, at its core, a spiritual problem. 

A while ago, I described how much I like rules. Some recent events brought it back to mind, along with the most basic rules I have. They start with the name God used for Himself - I am. Personally, I think that is just the best name. Two simple words, yet they carry so much weight. God declares that He exists and that He exists separate from us. Descartes said I think, therefore I am. God starts even simpler with no justification or primary cause. Anyway, it leads me to these rules.

  1. God exists.
  2. God is personal.
  3. There is right and wrong.
  4. Everybody rebels against what is right.
  5. We know the rebellion is wrong.
  6. We lie to ourselves in an effort to cover it up.
  7. And by "we", I mean me and everybody else in this world.
This all started with my daughter Deanna. She is in the middle of transitioning jobs. In order to make ends meet, she sold her bed and her Nintendo Switch. The bed was one that she purchased by saving her chore money. She worked for that bed. I'm very proud of her for digging in and fulfilling her responsibilities. She sacrificed to do what was right.

It reminded me of a friend who has also stepped up in her life and taken responsibility. She is currently struggling with some habits that she wants to give up. And that brings me to the topic at hand.

We feel it, in our spirit, when we fight with God. I don't want to what He asks. I want to twist it to make it mine. He asks for generosity, it becomes a way to control - indebt - people. Even something as simple as writing this post becomes a days long struggle with depression, eating, and a bunch of other stuff. All because He asked me to do it. The rebellious part of me doesn't want to. Consciously, I do want to obey. Yet there still exists a piece that fights tooth and nail against it.

That's why addiction is so easy. Repetition trains our body. I felt good once doing X. X felt good the second time too. Whenever I want to feel good, I should do X. I feel bad when I don't get my way. So I'll do X to feel better without facing the underlying issue.

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