Tuesday, January 22, 2019


I stayed home sick today and decided to watch the Wonder Woman movie. In one scene, Dianna's mother tells a story about Zeus and Ares. At one point, the other says that Zeus used the last of his power to strike at Ares. I thought, "God never reached the end of His power."

Drama, intrigue, risk, and conflict seem to characterize most religions of those days. But the Bible describes none of that. Jehova has no drama. There are no close calls. No last ditch efforts. He not only knows what's coming, He set it in motion.

Take the book of Revelation, for example. God is so confident in His plan that He told everyone what it was. And we still can't stop it. He took death - a consequence of disobedience - and turned it into redemption. At no point whatsoever, has anyone ever had any chance of thwarting Him.

The Bible tells a story about a magician named Balaam. A king asked Balaam to curse the Israelites so that he could defeat them in battle. Balaam was riding up to do this. His donkey kept stopping. Finally, in anger, Balaam hit the animal. The donkey turns his head and says "why did you do that?" Yes, the original talking mule. Then Balaam saw what the donkey saw - an angel with a very large sword blocking the way.

Where is the drama with a God who can never lose? Who controls the sub-atomic particles streaming through space? Who sets the course of every energy beam released in a nova? And intricately designed all of them to work together for His own ends? Where is that moment of last ditch effort for a God whose power is unlimited? It's just not there.

Intrigue? Who's going to stand against Him? When He knows every thought and desire we ever have before we do, what plan can you make? Where is the conflict? If no one can hope to fight, then who's in conflict with Him?

As human beings, we like the drama. Courage in the face of defeat. Turning points and moments when it all fails or succeeds. But that isn't the God of the Bible. He grows His kingdom slowly, steadily like a tree. His plans extend hundreds and thousands of years. A nudge here, a gentle brush there. It's quiet. Soft. And always successful.

This is why He promises peace. Anxiety comes when we struggle against this God. And think about it - are you really expecting to win? That doesn't make it any easier to submit. A deep part of us rebels. We want a God who is more like us. Well, then I'm not so bad, am I? But that's not God. For someone so big, so powerful, so full of presence, He works so softly. Taking His time. And finishing what He starts. If I could completely believe He wanted my good. If I could live the truth of what He promises, then I don't need to fight anymore. I like that idea - peace.

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