Sunday, August 5, 2018

Rain Drops, continued

So my last post was about a song. And it sounded pretentious. Way too negative. There is this great song, and I picked out one line. Every other word is true. The song has a great message. So why complain about one line?

Bad writing. Sorry, I'm not perfect. I still stand by the message - trials aren't mercy in disguise, God's mercy is so big that it comes through the trials. But it doesn't mean the song is wrong. God also asks us to do hard things. And I don't think that will change.

Remember how God sees all of eternity as a single, still moment? He sees all of these things that He has for us to accomplish. Because of our perception of time, we see that He asks us to do things. He sees exactly how it plays into those great things. We have to catch up. So yes, His mercies come through difficulties.

The difference lies between difficulty and suffering. Suffering comes from sin. Mine, yours, someone else's. Doesn't really matter. Difficulty comes because, well, things are hard. Muscles grow when you work them. We grow as God works us. Just because something is difficult doesn't mean that it's bad. Things that hurt your feelings aren't necessarily insults.

God shows mercy when He takes suffering and turns it into difficulty. No good comes from suffering. Sin always leads to death. God is too big, too loving to accept that. He redeems suffering by infusing life. And they become difficulties that bring us closer to the person He sees us to be. That's a great message for a song, don't you think?

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