Saturday, July 28, 2018

Rain Drops

So the song Blessings by Laura Story caught my attention. There's a line in the chorus - maybe Your blessings come through rain drops, maybe Your healing comes through tears. It reminds me of Paul's statement in Romans 6 - should we continue in sin and practice sin as a habit so that grace may increase and overflow? Paul spent the preceding chapters showing how God's grace was more than the depths of our sin. In chapter 6, he addresses the notion that sin is necessary for grace.

I think God's blessings come in spite of the rain drops. His mercy in spite of the tears. Hear me out for a second. God is the same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. If His grace is so great, wouldn't it be just as great if we never sinned? If He is the same, wouldn't He show the same love, mercy, and grace? Think about filling a hole with dirt. You dig a hole, then put the dirt back in. What if you never dug the hole and still put the dirt there? You end up with a cool pile of dirt. Didn't you love climbing piles of dirt as a kid?

God is a creator. Every act He performs brings life. That is His nature. In our sin, we take control away from Him. And in spite of that, He still brings something good out of it. Redemption is an act of creation - creating good from something that isn't. Redemption is God's way of showing us that no matter what we do, He is still bigger than we are. He will always have His way. We can scheme. We can fight. We can go to the mats and destroy everything. It is never enough that He cannot make something new, something good from it. 

His blessing come even when the rain falls, not because of the rain. His blessing come when the sun shines. We just don't see it as clearly. Contrast has a way of making things stand out. 

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