Monday, November 2, 2009

Decently and In Order

Our family visited a new church this weekend. The pastor spoke about giving. What a Sunday for visitors, huh? He did a fine job with the sermon.

The sermon covered three principles in tithing: give sacrificially, give responsibly, and give cheerfully. God's word lays out our priorities in giving:
  1. Tithe
  2. Take care of your family
  3. Offerings
Step 2 befuddles me at times. This is where Dave Ramsey's baby steps come into play. They set clear limits on responsible spending. And when you work through those 7 steps, you end in a position to give offerings.

The hardest part is saying no right now. God calls us to give sacrificially. He does not call us to put our families in jeopardy. You must understand the limits of your giving before pushing those limits.

Notice that none of those Baby Steps mention a budget? A budget makes the steps possible. A budget defines the limits. And allows you to stretch those limits. With a budget, you know what to sacrifice, responsibly providing for your family, making all of your giving cheerful.

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