Remote applications offer many advantages...
- Easy distribution
- Data security
- Data backup
- Easy updates
- Consistent interface
Then is the web the right platform for remote access? AJAX relies on hooks in the browser. We keep adding features to text parsers. We have dozens of frameworks built around synchronizing an asynchronous protocol. Why?
X Windows provides remote graphical applications. And these applications behave like all of your other applications. Why aren't we making it more efficient? Why aren't all these advances occurring in a full fledged platform?
Because all of the computers running Microsoft Windows can't support those applications. We have all of these ad hoc answers hacking around Windows' short comings. Because it is not in Microsoft's best interests to play along. This is not innovation.
It is, however, where we are. So I will continue learning more web technologies and writing web applications. I just needed to understand the reason behind it all.
Ah, the curse of cloud computing: trust. I wonder if the guys who built the first VAX are smiling as they see a variation on server-side computing making a serious comeback after so many years of Microsoft pushing client-side computing?