Sunday, May 8, 2022

Old Clay Pots

Have you ever told someone that they're worthless? Do you ever feel worthless? Has someone told you that you are worthless?  Were they wrong?

That probably feels awkward. You would usually expect some kind of encouragement. A soliloquy about how everyone matters to God. The truth is, they don't.

The Bible quite clearly divides humanity into two groups. And whatever labels you use, one group receives God's boundless grace while the other gets ignored. Well, the Bible uses language such as cast out, utter darkness, torment. In church tradition, we refer to this as Hell. What do you think this means?

It is God turning His back. Those in this condition are simply ignored. They are of such little consequence that God stops paying attention to them. At all. Isn't that worthless?

Somewhere in the Old Testament (Jeremiah or Isaiah?) is the illustration of a potter. A potter creates pots. The potter makes very ornate pots, putting them on display for sale. They bring much needed food, clothing, etc. to their creator - the potter. These pots have value to the potter. He will care for them. Protect them. They're not used for common, everyday tasks.

On the other hand, the potter has some pots that have defects. The potter created them with the intention to discard them because he needed that pot for another purpose. When it serves that purpose, the pot becomes worthless. Not even fit for a menial task like hauling water.

Which pot are you? I don't know. Neither do you. We can't see forever. God knows. The potter knows. And He sent the person Jesus Christ to gather His pots. When you feel worthless, is your first instinct to run to Jesus and ask?

Probably not. I go into my head. Self righteous feels good in that moment. Of course I'm not worthless, I say. But what good does that do? Can I will myself to live forever? Can I, merely by choosing, change the course of the world? Affect a single black hole wandering through the universe? Guide the sub-atomic particles hurtling through the vastness of the cosmos to their destinations and make them bond with other particles to form elements and worlds and stars? Nope. I can't even stop my hair from turning grey.

My own valuation of myself is completely meaningless. Your evaluation of me is completely meaningless. I'm pretty sure you can't do any of these things either. And even if all the billions and billions of people in the world join together, they can't do that either. The value that I ascribe just isn't that much.

The value Jesus gives, well that's astronomical. Power over life and death. He commanded the weather. Re-arranged matter (water into wine). Kicked immune systems into place (aka healed the sick). And raised Himself from the dead. This is value. His value of me, His opinion of me matters a lot.

If you are worthless to Him, aren't you truly worthless? I see this pattern that God doesn't do anything small. We live on a large world, in a huge solar system, on an even more impressive galaxy, inside an immeasurable universe. He created us forever - no end. Our movies only last 1 to two hours. His story goes on and on. Nothing He does is small.

The same goes for hope and despair. You can read this and be happy beyond measure because Jesus told you, tells you, that you belong to Him. You matter. He gives you value - and all that other stuff too. Or you can read this and go into despair. Only one person knows your place - Jesus.

So my point? Your hurt feelings do not determine right and wrong. I'm not dismissing your feelings. They are real. Relationships are important. And if a friend told me they felt this way, I would reach out with empathy and love. But, sadly, that's all I have to offer. Jesus has way more. So start there. Start with His truth, with Him.

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