Friday, June 4, 2021

"Excuse" me

 Today's topic is excuses versus explanations. I'm sure I looked weird walking around the neighborhood muttering to myself about this one.

Excuses - good ones - sound like explanations. It makes them hard to spot - especially if you tend to giving people the benefit of the doubt. Excuses are reasons to quit. I think of them like witchcraft - magic words to get what you want. Excuses are selfish, always.

Explanations bring you closer to a resolution. Explanations acknowledge facts. Explanations never include motivation. An explanation is not a destination. It is a step towards your goal of restoration - restoring a relationship that you damaged.

Excuses assume forgiveness. Excuses are about control - control through manipulation. Explanations move to the next step - how do I not do this again. What do I do next so that I move away from what was wrong?

This tripped me up about repentance. Turning away doesn't mean stopping yourself from ever doing it again. We can't. Our sinful nature has too much power right now. It does mean that I can do something. A small step. Small steps become larger steps. Explanations are mindfulness. Excuses are denial.

Excuses prevent forgiveness. Excuses justify what you do. If you're justified, then no forgiveness needed. In contrast, when we're justified through forgiveness, we can both acknowledge that we were wrong and restore the relationship. Excuses end relationships. Forgiveness builds them.

Forgiveness allows the other person an opportunity for generosity. They shine. Their character stands out. Excuses make it all about me. They deprive the other person of this opportunity and tells them that they're wrong for their own feelings about what I did. Excuses don't just steal an opportunity. They drive the wedge deeper by compounding the wrong.

Ever heard Dave Ramsey explain compound interest? It's an amazing concept. Over long periods of time, compound interest turns smaller sums of money into larger. Great news for retirement! When I say excuses compound the wrong, I'm thinking the same thing - only bad. Compound interest on a debt will overwhelm you. That kind of bad.

Explanations are extremely valuable. They help you learn about yourself or a friend. Explanations with forgiveness can restore broken relationships. Excuses stop everything in their tracks. Excuses kill. Excuses shut down the conversation. What are your favorite excuses?

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