Sunday, September 8, 2019

Carrier Waves

I was thinking some more about waves. I watched a documentary once about the invention of radio. The basic idea is that there is a constant signal. Even during times of silence, a radio station still transmits a signal called a carrier wave. As the DJ speaks, those changes are super imposed onto the carrier. A receiver tunes to the carrier wave. It decodes the differences relative to the carrier.

This started as a question - what's changed? I see a friend going through a cycle of changes. Trying to gain control over some part of her life. I know that I do those things when something feels out of control. And I wonder what feels out of control.

On the other hand, I also make changes in response to nudges. I read a book of the same name - Nudges - a while back. The author made the observation that small nudges can influence our decisions. Rather than manipulating people by forcing them into what you want, give them choices arranged to reflect your values. Nudge them with cues, but leave the final decision with them. We humans are programmed to respond to these cues.

It makes sense to me that God also uses those same nudges. Sometimes I listen to them. Change isn't bad. Change is, well change. Facts change. Circumstances change. If God represents the carrier wave of the universe, then His changes move us in the same direction as everything else. These changes bring about something good.

Why I change is more important than the act of changing.

Cain and Abel

For those not familiar with the story, Cain and Abel were brothers. Abel was a shepherd. Cain a farmer. At the time, people were making animal sacrifices. God proscribed an unblemished lamb as the correct sacrifice. Cain decided his vegetables should make just as good an offering. God was not pleased.

Cain saw that Abel was doing well. Cain got angry, killed Abel, and tried to hide what happened. Remember, Cain did what he wanted instead of what was asked. Blamed the person who did what was asked. And hurt that person rather than accept that Cain himself did anything wrong.

The why sets whether we go along with the carrier wave or fight against it. Obedience is allowing the carrier wave to carry us forward. Imagine when everything and everyone in the universe all moves in harmony toward the same end? Peace. Real peace.

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