Saturday, April 7, 2018

Super symmetry

So I watched the next episode in this Stephen Hawking series. I apologize for focusing on just a few seconds out of such an enormous body of work. There's so much of it that goes right over my head. I'm picking the few pieces that relate to something else I know.

Hawking describes the beginning of the universe as a dot, a pinpoint, where all matter is compressed and held by this force that is perfectly even across the entire surface. The documentary called it super symmetry. The question that I'm posing is - is this force personal or impersonal?

At the same time, I was finishing up Daniel Kahneman's Thinking Fast and Slow. In one chapter, he talks about success. If you look close enough at successful companies and/or people, you will find a confluence of events totally out of their control. He concludes that success if blind luck. No amount of skill or effort on our part can guarantee success. Hard work just isn't enough.

My brain pulls these two things together because they both go back to the same question - is God personal or impersonal? The documentary and the book both viewed the universe as impersonal. Success is dumb luck. The Big Bang was controlled by natural law. It's all just stuff.

If God is personal, then success is providence (aka blessing). God chooses. Either way, it is still entirely out of our control. This is why God asks us to believe. Believe that He is real. Believe that He is personal. Belief offers hope. 

The Hawking documentary also touched on idea that there are multiple dimensions. Physicists use the extra dimensions to explain the behavior of gravity. That's right, scientists espouse that there are things in the universe that we can't see. Isn't that what the term spiritual means? Circling back to the question - personal or impersonal?

I believe that God is personal. That He actively directs the universe and it obeys His commands. I believe that in my pride I too often think that I can do the same thing. It doesn't work out so well. But I also believe that He loves me enough that He made a way to restore what's damaged. And I'm looking forward to the day when I don't have to wonder if I'm listening to Him or me. 

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