Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Get Cash Back with Every Purchase!

Dan: I've heard about what Ramsey teaches (in Financial Peace University). I see one problem with cutting up the credit cards.

Narrator: Interesting, what's that?

Dan: I have this gas card. It gives back 5 cents a gallon. Wouldn't it be irresponsible to not save money?

Narrator: That sounds perfectly logical. Proverbs clearly warns us away from debt. The Bible warns the wise away from these enticements. What are we missing?

Let's talk this out from start to finish. Figure about 15 gallons of gas every two weeks. You save 75 cents on every fill-up. Four weeks in a month, and you see $1.50 savings every month. With two cars, that's $3.00 a month savings. 12 months times $3 a month equals $36 a year.

Over the last year, gas ran between $2.00 and $3.00 a gallon in our area. You spent between $1,440 and $3,600 on gas last year. You saved a measly 1% to 2.5% with that gas card. That's less than the margin of error in a household budget.

For that 2.5% in savings, you sold your freedom. You became indebted to someone else - the credit card company. Can you beat these card companies? Sure - if you manage the account properly. That means you know the payment due date. You keep immaculate records of exactly what you owe. You reconcile the statement with your records immediately. And you're never late because you can mail the entire payment without ever receiving a bill from them.

Boy, that's a lot of work for a rounding error. It's a lot of worry over a paltry amount. Is it really worth it?

Proverbs 5 says...
For the lips of an adulteress drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil; but in the end she is bitter as gall, sharp as a double-edged sword.
You don't really object on logical grounds. You're quite intelligent. And logically, the costs outweigh the benefits. The problem isn't logic - it's the heart. You have emotional attachment with the credit card. No, not quite right. You haves an emotional attachment with being right - pride.

I remember cutting up my credit card in FPU. Honestly, I didn't care for the card or the company behind it. They certainly didn't care for me. It was just business. But giving up the credit meant admitting I had been wrong. My way hadn't worked. God was right, I was wrong. And that hurt. It hurt my pride.

Dan: But,but, but...

Narrator: No but's. Be honest with yourself. Look past the rationalizations. The logic doesn't hold water. You know it. I know it. This was never about logic. Check out the book Leadership and Self Deception - Getting Out of the Box. The book explains that we make decisions then we establish the logic. We choose with our heart, not the mind.

Dave Ramsey points out that personal finance is 80% behavior. God frees our heart. If $36 over one year makes that much difference, then you're truly slave to your money. I failed at budgets because my heart worried about lacking money. When God freed me from that, when He turned my heart towards Himself, then the budget worked. When I let go of my pride and accepted His instruction, then the budget worked.
My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity. -- Proverbs 3:1-2

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