Saturday, November 20, 2010

Control and Flexibility

The scene opens with a woman crossing the street. This car comes out of nowhere and POW! She rolls off the hood, flung into the middle of the street. CUT!

Our mystery woman stands up and walks over to the director. She's a stuntwoman. Cool! She begins talking about the uncertaintity of stunt work - what's the next job, when will it appear, what risks does it involve. A sense of control matters a lot in her life. She finds that sense of control over her finances using the Chase Slate credit card.

It sounds perfect. Setup individual payment plans for different types of expenses. Pay smaller purchases right away to save on interest. I tell you, the emotion just wells up inside of me.

Narrator: CHEETAH!!!!! Cheetah, cheetah, cheetah! I warned you that the emotion wells up inside - the emotion to scream in terror. Think you have control of your finances? Miss just one payment. Then come back and tell how much control you have.

Guess what? Paying cash also saves on interest - without any risk of missing a due date.

And don't get me started on the tag line - debit card control, credit card flexibility.

Credit Card Flexibility

Okay, what exactly does the Slate Card offer that a debit card doesn't? Debit cards run through the same computer network as credit cards (i.e. you can use them in the same stores). Debit cards have the same fraud protections as credit cards (when used as credit in the store). The only difference is who supplies the money up front: you or Visa.

So credit cards are more flexible - for borrowing money! See how it always comes down to one question: will you save or borrow? There's no math involved. No comparison of pros or cons. Nothing but that one choice: save or borrow. Which one will you choose?

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