Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What's in a Name

Why the whacky name - Imaginary Conversations? Well, simply, I have a vivid imagination. Topics that tickle my fancy turn over and over in my mind. An audience (of one) forms. He/she takes on a life of their own, offering counter points. Rabbit trails materialize, are followed, and come back around. This eventually morphs into a discussion of the pros and cons with my make believe foe. It's pretty sad when I lose.

Right now, I can see you sitting there, a quizzical look on your face, thinking that this guy is plain nuts. Well, yes, just a little. We just had a conversation. See - it's pretty simple.

Topics cover all kinds of diverse, unrelated fields: finances, programming, leadership, freedom, etc. You may notice some common threads underneath. Let me know what they are.

Browse, enjoy, and join the conversation...

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