Monday, August 30, 2010


Baby Step 2 took our family 3 years to pay off $34,000 in debt. $75,000 if you count the house that sold when we moved. My wife, Renee, counts it.

The hardest part - when I lost my job. It delayed Baby Step 2 around 9 months. We were pretty impatient by that point.

The best part - I describe it as "our snowball hit a tree". My youngest daughter, Vania was born with digestive problems. She threw up everything she ate. 4 ounces in became 4 ounces out. Vania did not grow for her first six months.

The specialist prescribed a baby formula that absorbs faster than Vania threw up. This formula cost $580 a month. Ouch!

I did the budget with some trepidation. We had just paid off our second largest debt the month before. With that extra bit, the debt snowball reached $580 a month! Our debt snowball disappeared in one fell swoop - and it was worth every penny.

Proverbs 15:4 says the tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit. When we unwrapped the chains we had put around God's money, we found a tree of life - literally. That was the moment I realized we were winning with money.

Today, Vania is a healthy toddler running around the house, getting into everything. I smile when I remember that lesson in God's faithfulness, and how special Vania really is.

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