Monday, April 1, 2019


I imagined a conversation with my middle daughter (Hi, Lucy. I love you.)  Lucy told me that I withdrew, spending time in my room. Oddly, much like she does now. When I point that out, she says that she learned it from me. I paused at this.

Lucy is my child. As her father, I have a position of authority over her. One in authority can work with, encourage, and even share with those in obedience to them. But they cannot submit. It occurred to me that God, in a position of authority over us, always provided examples of our relationship with Him. How could He exemplify submission without actually submitting?

That's what Jesus did. Several times, He told people that He didn't come to judge. He wasn't here to rule. Jesus never denied that He would rule. It just wasn't time yet. He modeled submission, our relationship with God in this broken world. God provided an example of what we needed now.

Along the same lines, Jesus will be given authority when the time does come. Again, modeling what we need when we need it. Interesting?

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