Monday, June 22, 2009

Train a Child

Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. - Proverbs 22:6
We use this verse as a basis for church education programs like Sunday school and Vacation Bible School. My wife and I took this verse to heart in the schooling of our two oldest daughters. The baby, though, taught me that it goes deeper.

Vania had digestive problems from the day she was born. Vania regurgitated most of what she ate. The lack of nutrition hurt her growth. At 9 months Vania looked like a 3 month old baby. Her doctors prescribed a formula that digested faster than the acid reflux forced it back out. Vania began growing again. She started solid foods and developed normally - though 9 months behind.

Vania also exhibits some quirks. Her doctor thought the symptoms might indicate a genetic disease called Rett's syndrome. The blood test takes two months. In that time, my wife and I learned more about Rett's. A lot of frightening possibilities appear in your mind. Will she walk? Will she talk? What about mental development? Will she die young from this?

My wife took Vania for the blood test. They saw children in double strollers - child on one side, oxygen tank on the other. I heard about the children in wheel chairs. My wife was afraid. I was afraid. I imagined our little girl trapped in a body that refuses to work.

Thankfully God doesn't leave me in my stupidity. I had condemned Vania to misery in my own heart and mind. I thought of her through my own fears. And I would treat her - teach her - with those same fears. Out of fear, I would train Vania about the things she couldn't do.

I resolved that Vania will not learn defeat, fear, or surrender. We will train her about what she can do.

Our children learn their principles from us: hard work or laziness, patience or anger, defeat or success. They learn these traits very young. And our children live those principles when they're old. What are your children learning?

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