Sunday, July 28, 2019

Making Waves

Today I want to go a little off the rails. This is my process. Take an idea way too far, probing the boundaries, then pull back with a better understanding. That's why this post may seem to stray. I want to work this out. Kind of like brainstorming. Throw it out there and see what sticks.

A friend described her belief in the spiritual as energy. Jesus used the word fruit. What if fruit refers to combined energy waves? I saw a short documentary on AM radio once. Back in the early 1900's, several different people were experimenting with transmitting voice over radio waves. The inventor came up with the idea of sending out a continuous wave then imposing changes on it. Instead of carrying voice by wave, the voice was captured in how the received wave differs from the base wave.

Imagine God created the universe and stamped His image, His wave on it. We talk about an artist putting themselves into their work. Imagine that as an energy wave. God then created us in His image and gave us the ability to alter the wave. Or more precisely, we have our own waves and add them to His.

When two waves meet, they merge. If the waves are in synch, the result is a larger, more powerful wave. If the waves are off, then you end up with a different shape. Opposite waves pull each other down. This is the idea of cancelling out a wave.

AM radio imposes a second wave on top of the base. The second wave alters the height of the base wave, making it taller or shorter depending on its own shape. The receiver on the other end filters out the base wave, leaving only the voice wave. God set the base wave and we represent the voice wave.

Then sin entered the picture. We try to become the carrier (base) wave. And I do mean "we" - every single person who ever lived is trying to be that one central wave form. Imagine listening to 100 radio stations all at once. I'm talking about a cacophony billions of times worse.

Fruit refers to the resulting wave form when our waves are merged with the base wave. As we fight against the base, trying to cancel it, the resulting wave is less than ideal. Our fruit is bad.

In the end

Let me take the analogy one step further. Those waves don't disappear. Time itself is merely a part of God's base wave. Our changes linger. That's why in Revelations, God puts a new heaven and a new earth in place. This one has all those bad waves. And the fix is a clean break - aka death.

And that's as far as I've taken this line of thought. I wonder about the mechanics of redemption. We are still ourselves, even though there is this break with the bad waves. Maybe the waves bring a spiritual reality into the physical world. Breaking that connection resets everything. We would connect with this new earth. And because Jesus redeemed our spirit, the waves we impose work with God's base, not against it.

It is truly awesome how intertwined God's creation is. Each new step forward in our understanding opens up vistas of questions we hadn't even considered. Like a never ending tapestry.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Mirror Images

In ant colonies, the queen sends out drones to protect herself. She commands and they all do. Darwin wrote about survival of the fittest after studying wildlife. Wolf packs follow an alpha who fought the last alpha for the position. Left to itself, nature breaks down. The one who does the most damage gets their way.

And everything God does is the opposite. Jesus sacrificed Himself. Instead of taking, He gave. God, our King, provides for us, not the other way around. He protects us. So why would God create a universe that, in its natural state, works the opposite of what He does?

What if He didn't? God created us in His image. He always intended to be in this universe through us. Jesus performed amazing acts changing the world around Him. He told us that those all came from the Father, through Him. Jesus was the example of what we were supposed to be. What if God always meant to interact with this universe through us?

The spiritual then enters and changes our universe through us. We rebelled against God. We put ourselves in His place. Our spirits have changed the universe around us. What I mean, is that these behaviors we see in animals reflect us. They learned from us. It's not a natural state. It's what we made it.

So what if we submitted instead of rebelled? What if we reflected God, and the animals reflect us? A lion would lay down next to a lost lamb and protect it. Snakes would gently lick a baby who stuck its hand into their nest. No fear. Imagine walking up to a T-Rex and petting it like, well, a pet. How different would our world be?