So a group of us were chatting over lunch. Well, the two other guys were talking. I listen a lot. They discussed the protests in Egypt. One of them ended with the off hand comment: we will continue having misery as long as we use money and power for the measure of success.
That can't be right. Money solves a problem. The replacement would, in the end, solve the same problem. And still not fix all of the things that you see wrong.
Let's do a little thought experiment. What would you replace money with?
John: Love, the good of mankind.
Swami: Okay, and how do I know that I'm returning as much good as I receive?
John: Why does that matter? You give as much good as you can. And take only the things that you need.
Swami: Define need. You don't need friends, a house, food from a grocery store, electricity, running water, etc. Well, actually, you do. You need those things if you accept the spiritual side of humans. Esteem, power, and wisdom relate to ourspiritual needs.
Money provides a form of power. You recognize that power in the reported corruption and discontent. Would you agree that money itself is not the issue? The issue really revolves around the use of money as power.
John: Yes, I agree with that - rich people using their power to oppress poor people.
Swami: I agree. And that is why you are so despicable.
John: Huh? What?!
Swami: Look around you. You live in a solid structure with four walls, a roof, carpet, furniture, electric lights, and running water. Many people in Africa still collect their own water from a river. You are unquestionably rich compared to those people. If all rich people are oppressive tyrants - then you oppress those poor people in Africa. You are the problem.
But you're right - that's utterly ridiculous. It's just as ridiculous to assume that everyone with more money than you is a rich, evil, oppressor. I heard of one restaurant owner who closed down for a week and took his entire staff on vacation. That's a generous person. Would you consider them oppressive?
Relative wealth does not measure good and evil. Some rich people really are jerks. Some poor really are jerks too. Likewise, some very kind people have much wealth. And some very kind people have very little. Wealth cannot measure the quality of one's character.
Character determines good or evil. Character makes one man a tyrant and another a leader. Money determines the reach of my power - not how I wield that power. Reducing reach does not remove evil. God wiped out the earth just a few generations after creating it. Their reach can't have extended that far yet. Yet the corruption was unbearable.
Wealth is not the problem. Redistributing wealth solve nothing! You still have wicked people exercising power - tyrants oppressing the people. All it does is change the expression of their control, not the fact of it.
When we exercise power, we remake the world in our image. Wicked people impose their will for harm because they themselves are broken. Proverbs 12:10 says that the righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel. A righteous person remakes the world in their image - good, healing, kind.
The same power, the same money, works good as well as evil. Our root problem is power in the hands of wicked people. Redistribution of wealth, or even denial of earthly possessions, cannot solve that problem. We have a spiritual problem and it requires a spiritual solution. That starts a whole new conversation...